The future has finally materialized...

...manifesting itself in the form of artificial intelligence. 

While developments such as self-driving cars, facial recognition software, and voice assistants have steadily advanced in recent years, the emergence of computer programs capable of generating poetry, music, and images of indistinguishable quality from human creation represents an entirely new paradigm shift—particularly to me.

Throughout my life, I've nurtured a dream of becoming a songwriter or an art photographer, dedicating countless years to honing my skills in these disciplines. Now, a child who can merely switch on a computer, without the need to read or write, can generate poetry, music, and imagery by instructing a voice assistant. This realization is both liberating and disconcerting. While it makes me somewhat relieved that I didn't wholeheartedly pursue my creative dreams, it also underscores the unsettling thought that the knowledge I've accumulated over decades may now be rendered obsolete.

Nonetheless, it's futile to lament these changes. The unstoppable tide of progress will not be held back by complaints, and as such, I choose to embrace this brave new world.

The following portraits of the model Palina are authentic, although each image has been enhanced using the latest functionalities of Photoshop, namely the innovative tools known as "Generative Fill" and "Generative Expand".




 (See more of my works on





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